



英雄化妆品强大的补丁Duos Pimple贴纸在狡猾的评论中缩小了我的突破


  • 这是什么:疙瘩贴片(有两种 - 一个用于隔夜,一个用于白天 - 在框中)
  • 它能做什么:缩小丘疹而不看起来很明显
  • 谁是:任何人都希望在旅途中对待青春痘

无论我如何专注于我的护肤例程,有时也没有阻止疙瘩的外观。那是生命。但是,而不是应用我拥有的每一个斑点治疗,并希望最好的,第二个我开始感到瑕疵的成型(没有我们一切都去过那里?)我伸手可及英雄化妆品强调补丁二人。我清洁我的皮肤,并确保在我将其中一个清晰点涂上拍摄之前,它会涂抹它点。它不仅可以保护该地区是否从细菌中清洁,而且我因诱惑而挑选在我的皮肤上(不谢谢疤痕),但这些水胶体贴纸就像一个绑带一样来治愈瑕疵。与此同时,它们也吸收任何杂质。这种强大的补丁DUO配有两种类型的水胶体贴纸,用于治疗丘疹:原件(赢得透明贴纸最好的美容奖那for overnight use) and Invisible+ (it lives up to its name, and can’t be seen on Zooms. Once it’s on you forget it’s there.) I have found that they wear particularly well under a face mask (and help any existing maskne heal, instead of getting worse), but in post-pandemic times I will also be wearing these in public when the time calls. And while some acne patches have a tendency not to stick to your skin, these ones don’t budge all day. The same is true when I wear one overnight. By the time I wake up, it has turned white, the suggested sign to take it off. (It’s recommended to keep it on for six hours minimum.) Once I peel it off, my skin is less inflamed and irritated and signs of redness are significantly reduced — without any dryness. Plus, since I’ve been using these mighty patches, I haven’t had any long term lingering marks. In short: it’s a clear choice.



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